Technical Support

Esit tech support team consists of four calibration trucks,fifteen service vans and a tech-staff of thirty people. Esit tech support deals with all technical failiures with products and calibration jobs.

With its strong and reliable team Esit ensures quality support within the next 24 hours of your request wherever you may be in Turkey.

гр. София, ул. Панорама София 11,партер,
офис 1 пощ код 1756

+359 885 846 673
+359 2 8985 009

гр. Велико Търново, Чолаковци, Индустриална зона “Дълга лъка”

+359 884 462 208

гр. Бургас, ул Константин Величков 34

+359 888 188 855
+3595 6 530 153