Wagon Wheel Weight Distibution Measuring Station
Wagon Wheel Weight Distibution Measuring Device

This is o stand that can meosure the pıessure of wogon wheels (olter monulacturing) onto roil seporately.


  • System can measure 4-8 or more railwoy wheel independently, and sove ond
  • Report the laod distributian as camputeı print .
  • System has o copocity of 15000 kg lor eoch wheel.
  • 5 kg resolution.
  • it is possible ta select the roil type ond wheelbose occording ta customeı’s request
  • The system is madulaı ond has models ol which wheelbases ore odjustoble
  • System operotes in o ronge of 10 + 40 degrees ond with o stubility of 1/3000
  • Theıe is AT ond Accıeditation documenls



Wagon Manufacturing Industry Solutions Brochure (.pdf)

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