Bogie Testing Device
Bogie Testing Device

This is stund that simulates the laads af wheel and wagan an a manufactured bagie body. it opplies a set larce anto twa painls of bagie bady !ram tap. it indicotes the distributian ol larces with 4 load sensars an bonom side. There is also o side larce me<honism far simuloting the side larces. This system can outomoticolly corry on latigue tesis occarding ta larce-time table entered. Tesis are ovoilable up to 2 x 400 kN copocity .


  • 2 lood cells (60 t copacii ty) on the end of vertically-moving hydraul
  • 1 load celi {20 t copoc ty) an the end of horizontally-moving hydraulic cylindeı
  • 4 Load cells (40 t copocity) on gıound carners
  • 7 displays connected to oll cells
  • 7 external disploys {50 mm height) loı visibility of lorce values !rom alaı
  • Control bunan box used lor monuel cantıol
  • 1 o· calor touchscreen operotor panel lor visual monitoıing ond contıoll
  • PLC used lor system cantıol



Wagon Manufacturing Industry Solutions Brochure (.pdf)

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