CIM Vehicle Classification System
Vehicle Classification System

E-CIM 100 has been developed to collect statistical data and detect incidents of the vehicles passing over its sensors. The basic functions of this device are recognizing the movement direction, measuring the length and speed, and counting of the vehicles passing along the lanes, where sensors are installed.

For up to a total of 8 lanes each equipped with two inductive loop sensors, E-CIM 100 system can provide the desired functions and performance as a single device.

E-CIM 150, classification system has been developed to collect statistical data of classified vehicles travelling along a highway. The system is equipped with a loop sensor and a piezo sensor for up to a total 8 lanes.  In addition to counting and statistical functions, the device can also communicate with the parent system to provide detailed information at the instant an incident occurs. It is possible to transmit data up to a distance of 1km via isolated RS-422 interface and up to distance to 15m via RS-232 interface.

Mounted on a 19” 3U rack, E-CIM 150 can easily be replaced fully or as a module for maintenance. Service and replacement is simple thanks to the fact that all connections are socket-type and located on the front side of the device.

Counting Models

E-CIM102 2 Lanes (4 Loops)

E-CIM-103 3 Lanes (6 Loops)

E-CIM-104 4 Lanes (8 Loops)

E-CIM-106 6 Lanes (12 Loops)

E-CIM-108 8 Lanes (16 Loops)


Classification Models

E-CIM152 (2 Loops, 2 piezos)

E-CIM-153 (3 Loops, 3 piezos)

E-CIM-154 (4 Loops, 4 piezos)

E-CIM-156 (6 Loops, 6 piezos)

E-CIM-158 (8 Loops, 8 piezos)


  • Modular 19’’ rack mount design
  • Counting and vehicle classification up to 160 km/h
  • Battery and solar supply operation available
  • 1GB internal record memory
  • Isolated RS-422 ports for control center communication
  • Optical gate input for over height detection





General Specifications
Vehicle Presence ±%5
Vehicle Speed 0-160 km ±%5
Vehicle Length 1-25m ±0.5m
Communication RS-422, isolated remote port / RS-232 local port
Supply Voltage Nominal : 220 VAC 30W Max Range: 84 VAC – 264VAC
Electronics operating temperature range -25°C to +50°C
Sensors operating temperature range -40°C to +70°C
Mounting 19 Rack 3U
Dimensions 482x132x190 mm
Weight 5,5 kg
Classification With using one loop and one piezo lane sensor
Classification Classes Up to 20 classes


Overload Control Systems
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