FS Flow Scale
Flow Scale 12-250 m3/h

These systems are used to measure the flow rate of the materials in powder or granule form, which can flow with the free flow principle.

They find usage in systems where conveyor belt scales or flow meters are not applicable such as vertical flow streams.

The free flowing material is allowed to fall freely on an inclined plate which is mounted on load cell(s). The load cell(s) measures the impact of the flow on the plate. The system measures the momentary flow or the total amount passed and produces control signals either in 0-10V or 4-20mA analogue output or digital outputs as relay or RS232-485 outputs


  • Immediate flow
  • Total flow
  • Control signal output


Model Capacity (m3/h) Linearity
FS 20 12 – 25 %1
FS 50 30 – 60 %1
FS 100 60 – 125 %1
FS 200 125 – 250 %1


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