AWK Aircraft Weighing Kit
Aircraft Weighing Kit


Esit AWK Aircraft Weighing kit is ideal for large aircrafts which needs to be lifted from several spots at the same time and numerous weighing kits are used for weighing. Provided with an integrated weighing indicator in a protective case, Esit AWK is a practical and accurate weighing device.


Accuracy class 6000 (lll)
Protection Class IP68
Operating Temperature -10°C ~ 50°C
Display  7″ Touch panel
Report USB and Thermal Printer
Power Requirement  100 ~ 240 V AC
Load Cell
Capacity 20t
Accuracy class (OIML R60)  C3
Rated output (Cn) 2±0.1% mV/V
Ultimate load R150%Emax
Complete System
Dimensions 630x475x292mm Sturdy Wheeled Bag
Weight 30kg



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