Wagon Testing Device
Wagon Testing Device

Wogon is posit ioned in test stond ond force is opplied from the points colculoted in terms of engineeıing. Deformotion of body ogoinsı opplied lood (os compıession ond tensile) i.s determined. Within the system, the forces opplied on fıont side ore meosured, while ıhe loıces being formed on ıeoı side oıe meosured sepoıote sensors. Alsa ıhe forces, those leoking through bogie system while the wogon on lood, oıe olsa meosured. With afi lorce opplicotions ond sensoıs coııesponding this points, testing con be peıformed with o seositivity of 1/3000.

Force size, compression oxes ond the number ol pistons ore determined occoıding to customeı’s ıequest. Tests cıın be peıfoımed up to 2500 kN (compıession) ond 1500 kN {tensile). Ali reodings ore mode digitolly ond system, with o computerized control, can opply the foıces on desired point, os set size ond in set time peıiod .



Wagon Manufacturing Industry Solutions Brochure (.pdf)

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